Washington, DC – In September 2019, the administration slashed the refugee admissions goal (Presidential Determination) for the coming year to 18,000 and instituted four admissions priorities. In an effort to hold the administration accountable to welcoming 18,000 refugees, RCUSA has released a new quarterly report detailing admissions numbers. This third report also provides a discussion…
Washington, DC – In September 2019, the administration slashed the refugee admissions goal (Presidential Determination) for the coming year to 18,000 and instituted four new admissions categories. In an effort to hold the administration accountable to welcoming 18,000 refugees, RCUSA has released a new quarterly report detailing admissions numbers. This first report also provides greater…
Country Conditions in El Salvador Remain Inhospitable for Return RCUSA Urges the Administration to Extend Temporary Protected Status for Salvadorans an Additional 18-months Washington, DC – Responding to recent reports that the Department of State has recommended termination of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for El Salvador to the Department of Homeland Security, RCUSA rises in solidarity with…