Advocating for the rights and protection of all forcibly displaced people.

Over 117 million people have been forcibly displaced from their homes due to violence, persecution, or disaster. It will take global and local action to offer safety and stability to all.

RCUSA and its member organizations work to ensure that the US is leading the way on welcoming programs including refugee resettlement, asylum, and humanitarian parole.

Working in coalition for excellence in welcome.

RCUSA is a coalition of more than forty US-based non-profit organizations supporting and protecting the rights of forcibly displaced people.
Our work focuses on advocacy, strategic communications, and programmatic coordination.

RCUSA staff attend NIIC Conference in Houston

Refugee Council USA staff attended the annual NIIC conference to join over a thousand other advocates for forcibly displaced people! Together, we’re pushing for policies that ensure safety, dignity, and opportunity for those in need.

Report Release: FY24 Annual Refugee Arrivals Report

The RCUSA coalition have been advocating with the administration and Congress to rebuild the national US Refugee Admissions Program. See the progress made during the 2024 fiscal year in RCUSA's latest report.

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Integration Outcomes for Forcibly Displaced Persons (FDPs)

Refugee Council USA, Refugee Congress, and the Ethiopian Community Development Council today released Integration Outcomes for Forcibly Displaced Persons, a new report that aims to center the experience and voices of forcibly displaced people (FDPs) in measuring the impact of supports and services intended to promote their wellbeing as well as broader societal outcomes.

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