Advocacy Committee

Mobilizing experts and advocates to support the rights and welcome of forcibly displaced people.

About the Advocacy Committee

RCUSA’s Advocacy Committee is the coordinating center for the coalition’s policy and advocacy work. With representation from across the member base, the Advocacy Committee is able to mobilize expertise and relationships at national, state, and local levels in support of welcoming policies. Committee members work with members of Congress, administration representatives, and experts with lived experience to create meaningful – and lasting – policy change. 

The Committee provides critical opportunities for advocates to advance and share their skills and knowledge through Congressional briefings, teach-ins, and advocacy events like Advocacy Days.



  • RCUSA releases quarterly reports of arrivals through the US Refugee Admissions Program. Over the course of FY23 the Biden administration and Congress facilitated the welcome of 60,014 refugees to the United States.

  • War in Ukraine and the rapidly deteriorating situation in Afghanistan have brought renewed attention to the need for increased US refugee resettlement, but worldwide resettlement slots represent only a fraction of global need.

  • On Feb. 4, 2021, President Biden issued an executive order outlining the administration's proposed goals for the US Refugee Admissions Program. RCUSA experts assess the administration's progress 1-year later.