RCUSA Responds to Presidential Determination Rumors
Washington, DC — Reports continue to circulate that the Trump administration is considering setting the annual Presidential Determination (PD) for Refugee Admissions for Fiscal Year 2019 at fewer than 45,000 refugees, the current FY18 PD. Some reports suggest the Administration is considering placing the goal as low as 25,000.
Dropping below 45,000, which is already the lowest refugee admissions goal in the history of the program, ignores our humanitarian commitment to resettle refugees, undermines our long history of leadership on refugee protection, and will damage our foreign policy and national security interests. Americans believe in refugee resettlement and have opened their arms and hearts to refugees throughout our history. We have the capacity, the knowledge, and the commitment to successfully resettle at least 75,000 refugees in the coming year. To do otherwise is to weaken our nation.
Contact: Danielle Grigsby, Associate Director, dgrigsby@rcusa.org